Thursday, September 25, 2008

freezer meals

On Wednesday night, we prepared freezer meals for our missionaries. We had soooo much fun :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

mow mow mow

This is Couch Kristin and Coach Brock teaching Jaxson how to mow the lawn! He did a pretty good job.

To the left..!

To the right..!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


For Derek's Birthday, I tried to make the special cake we used to have back in Germany. It was the first time for me making it all on my own! It was very very messy, so I think Kris got kinda nervous about me in the kitchen... The most difficult part was though keeping Derek unaware of it ,wich seemed to be inpossible! All family members are still alive and healthy (more or less). It turned out all right :)

my clumsy days...

I love America, but I'm not so sure it loves me anymore! The very fist day of High School here in Wichita, I tripped over the stairs! It must have looked pretty funny, anyway, all kids passing by smiled at me very brightly...
Also, It switched the bathroomsigns in school for me today!!So it got kinda embarassing as I was standing in the middle of boys rest room out of a sudden. I so do hope the boys didn't see my very pink shirt and me escaping through the door real quick! good times... good times...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

first soccer games

Grace gettin her head in the game. You go girl!

Brock chillin in the sun :)

Camp Out

This is Court and me hangin out in our tent!ye... we were kinda bored. haha

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hip Hop Hustle!!

Derek, Jaxson and me doin the Hip Hop Hustle at the YMCA!
We fly lie...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ich hab euch lieb!

Dieser Eintrag ist fuer meine supi tolle Familie, ohne die das alles hier nicht moeglich gewesen waer und denen ich sehr dankbar bin!
Ein krasses r-e-s-p-e-c-t fuer:

***Mama Evi,fuer ihre Coolness, ihren Einsatz, ihre troestenden worte (biste traurig?)...ich fands lustig :) dafuer das sie immer fuer uns da ist und fuer den unglaublichen Kraftakt den sie geleistet hat!!!!

***Ilke und Fritz, fuer ihre wahnsinns unterstuetzung, fuer alle energetischen aufpeppellungen und preparate, fuer ihre gelassenheit :) ihren humor und ihre allzeitbereitschaft!!

***Franzi, for beeing an amzing sister :), dafuer das sie immer fuer mich da ist und fuer ihre lustigen ansichten mancher dinge!

***Opa und Maura, fuer ihre lustigen Sprueche :), ihre Unterstuetzung und das leckere Essen!

*** Felix, for beeing my bigger brother, fuer seinen Humor und die vielen lachkraempfe!! :)))

Monday, September 8, 2008

Thursday, September 4, 2008